A threesixty guide to submitting directory persons data

Your obligations

Keeping the information up to date Firms will have an obligation to keep the Directory information on their staff up to date on an ongoing basis. Any changes must be notified (at the latest) within seven business days of the change occurring. Any new appointments during the transitional period will also need to be notified no later than 9 December 2020*. If someone leaves or there is a change to an individual’s details. Changes can be made via connect. For example: • A certified employee ceasing to perform a certification function. • The firm becoming aware of any other change relating to information previously reported about a certification employee (for example, a change of name). • If a relevant staff member leaves during the transitional period, (9 December 2019 and 31 March 2021), you still need to record details of this person, irrespective of the fact that they will no longer be at your firmwhen the transitional period expires. Therefore in this instance, you will need to submit their data for the Directory, then update this record with the date of departure.


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