Round Up Spring 2019
services you meet your CPD requirements? programme of regional development events and workshops, an help you to meet your CPD requirements.
Updated! Question banks We’ve completed our annual review of the question bank to ensure all questions remain relevant, and any changes to legislation and regulation over the last 12 months have been incorporated. The updated question bank will be available from 8 April and reflects the 2019/20 tax year rate allowances. Within the online test system, you can access knowledge assessments and remote learning. Knowledge assessments are 20 question tests without learning material. Tests are available on a variety of subjects linked to the core RDR topics of Investments, Regulation, Pensions, Protection and Taxation. If you need to refresh your memory prior to taking a test, our range of RO workbooks should prove useful. The training dashboard is being designed to complement our existing CPD tool and make it easier for you to view, and manage, your CPD activity against your development plan. The dashboard: • Can be personalised to show your current CPD period. • Will allow you to view and enrol onto available remote learning courses. • Will link to an events calendar, allowing you to register for events that support your learning objectives. • Makes it possible to see the CPD activities you have registered for with threesixty (upon completion these will be represented as completed hours). • See how many hours’ worth of CPD you have completed and how many more you need to hit your target. Coming soon! New training dashboards
In addition to the core RDR topics, some additional advanced tests in pensions and investments are available.
A supervisor version of this dashboard will also be available, allowing greater oversight for all your team members in one place.
Watch this space, it’s coming soon!
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