A threesixty guide to submitting directory persons data

Adding Directory Persons The notification form - Application involvement

The penultimate step relates to the location of the member of staff - so that members of the public can find advisers near to them, the firm need to confirm the postcode(s) where the directory person works, and the possible methods of engagement: • Customer engagement methods * The directory will show the ways in which the individual deals with clients. Options available are online, telephone and face to face. • Workplace location * The Directory will show the town /city of an individual’s workplace. Individuals who don’t offer face-to-face meetings, or where disclosing location could put the individual at risk, don’t have to give their location or can supply the post code of the firm’s head office instead. The final area in this section relates to the member of staff’s professional accreditation with third party bodies - such the Chartered Insurance Institute or the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (see Figure 10 - Accreditation): • Membership of accredited bodies * Information will show which accredited bodies the individual is a member of (for example CII, CFA and CISI)

Note *This information is only needed for individuals in client facing roles requiring an appropriate qualification.

The FS Register will signpost to users where they can obtain additional information, such as SPS details, qualification levels etc. directly from the relevant accredited body (where the relevant body has decided to make this information public).

Figure 10 - Accreditation


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