A threesixty guide to submitting directory persons data
Adding Directory Persons The notification form - Directory person details
Upon submission of the IRN, the systemwill be able to locate the member of staff, and automatically populate any known information on the form. If the member of staff doesn’t have an IRN, you’ll need to manually enter their details into the notification form (see Figure 7 - Find individual). If you are using their NI number (7) as their unique identifier, you won’t be required to complete the nationality field. Once all information has been entered, click ‘Find’.
Figure 7 - Find individual
Note We have been advised - although you don’t need a passport number if you have an NI number, on occasion the systemmay still require both before you can proceed. Also, make sure the correct format is used. The date of birth should be entered using the calendar option on the right of the screen (8).
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